Thursday, August 10, 2006

fifi needs a beanie

please will somebody buy me a beanie?
I went to the hairdresser last night to work on my goal of re-blonding my hair after going goth-black/dark brown for a while. It's been a painful few months of orange hair, strange streaks and odd regrowth. I've had to put up with straw-like texture, floaty split ends... I could rant about it for weeks.
I thought it would finally get back to sort of normal this time. I went to my usual 'visual art salon with a New York theme' and handed over a hefty chunk of my pay packet.
And now I look like Shane Warne.
My poor hair is an excruciating shade of brassy blonde. I keep expecting to be invited to play cricket for Australia. I keep getting the urge to go down to players bar and trying to pull sports groupie chicks.
Somebody buy me a beanie!
(Or at least another hair appointment)


At 7:54 PM, Blogger Ohjeeze said...

I think you should go back to the salon and demand they fix it. For that kind of money, they shouldn't make you look that brassy. I had a similar experience where my hair turned out orangy, and they did something about it for free.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Kath Lockett said...

Just get your fingers away from those pesky little SMS keys.....

At 8:29 PM, Blogger fifi-belle said...

I would definitely do that, but it turns out that in the light of day the colour isn't so bad after all. And plus I put some purple stuff in it like old ladies use to make their hair blue.. worked very well! But thanks for the moral support everyone!


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