Monday, August 07, 2006

solvent abuse

There is a health warning on my hairspray. It says ‘solvent abuse can cause instant death”. I know they really want to stop people inhaling it who can’t afford real drugs. But how many teenage aerosol sniffers would sniff $20 hairspray?? This is what makes me wonder if that warning is actually a threat to people who misuse hairspray in other ways. I can think of quite a few people who deserve instant death for hairspray abuse. Like Janette Howard, who has weird helmet hair that doesn’t move (actually, she probably uses embalming fluid) Like every commercial newsreader in Adelaide, and everyone who made metal in the 80s, especially Ronnie Dio.


At 6:53 PM, Blogger Kath Lockett said...

....Ronnie JAMES Dio, if you don't mind....(from someone who, sadly, dated a rabid fan)

You'd be surprised what desperate druggies will do - only a couple of weeks ago, 2 sixteen year old twin girls in France were hospitalised with a mystery respiratory illness until they finally admitted to inhaling mothballs! TRUE!!

At 9:05 PM, Blogger fifi-belle said...

Are there some other Ronnie non-James Dios in the world? Wow!


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