Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I ate my lifetime quota of turnip today. And water, carrots, onions, peas, haricot beans, potatoes, cauliflower, green beans, parsnips, Swedes, sweetcorn kernels, chicken stock, celery chicken and yeast.
Today for lunch I ate Baxters Chicken and Vegetable Soup.
It was the first time I've eaten canned soup since I read a book about the Franklin expedition, where the soup contractor cut a few really disgusting corners.
It was quite nice stuff, but it was about as filling as a teaspoon of fairy floss. When I read the fine print, I realised it had 1% chicken. I had to eat another can about two hours later because it was that or eat the girl I share an office with.
It is a complete coincidence that I was reading the lyrics to Weddings Parties Anything's "A Tale They Won't Believe" at the time.
I spent the afternoon fantasising about eating a giant veal schnitzel covered with cheese and tomato sauce, with chips on the side. My fantasy schnitzel would probably be part of an Adelaide uni Unibar meal deal, where you also get a mini cadbury chocolate bar and a beer. Nice.
I think it was Frankl who said that the driving force of humans was not sex (freud) or spirituality (jung) it was food.
food food food food food.
food is so good.
I'm going home to cook dinner now.


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