Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Neo-Liberalism: Its Your Choice

Free choice is a patriarchal lie based on the fiction that humans are somehow rational beings. Solid, serious, evidence based research shows that this is not the case. If Australians are rational, why did they vote for John Howard?


At 11:07 AM, Blogger george86 said...

I think humans ARE rational! John howard got voted in because you HAVE to vote here.

Just because you and I and everyone we know is an intelegent person doesnt mean the rest of the country is!

we may not like him but he is where we are at! and allthough he is pure evil we are fighting a much bigger evil now. the population that is bigger than us who voted for him....


At 11:22 PM, Blogger fifi-belle said...

I think I should tell you the correct spelling is intelligent. If it wasn't so ironic I wouldn't tell you.

At 12:51 AM, Blogger fifi-belle said...

ps sorry, that sounded snarky. I won't do it again.


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