Monday, May 15, 2006

everything is freaking me out today

I think I may have been drinking too much caffeine. I didn't get much sleep last night. Its all Adelaide's fault. You know how, if you live in Sydney (where I'm from) and you have 2 friends, they will never, ever meet each other unless you introduce them?
Not like that here.
Here, random acquaintances you moan about your stupid crushes to, turn out to be going out with one of said crush's friends!

it sucks to be me.

List of things that are freaking me out today:
  • the weird english accent woman on the payphone behind the cafeteria, saying "can you explain to me why you think that"
  • the woman in the cafeteria, who looked a bit like Deborah Mailman, but wasn't.
  • the fact that the cafereria is called magoo's.

I think I'll stay in my office and not go to the cafeteria again.


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