Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Real Life Adrian Mole

This is from an actual teenage boy's blog. I think its really funny. Its like real life Adrian Mole.

"Because this place is starving for updates, I will report something that happened in school today that I can't shake off my mind. Thank goodness I lack enough dignity to do this.I have a classmate called Emily, and she has a well-developed bosom. The kind that pops up from any t-shirt she may wear. Today, she was wearing an orange tee that was plain, except for a big green logo right on the chest. Due to a past accident, I usually avoid looking at a radium of 1 meter from where she is, for fear my eyes may slide to her boobs and I get caught looking. However, today a friend of hers, who gave her the shirt, asked me my thoughts on the garment. Because the shirt was mostly plain, I thought at the time that it would be a good strategy to just snap my eyes onto her chest for 2.5 seconds, remove them and say it looked "okay." Emily frowned upon me all day. This accounts for the third time I fail her similarly. Ah well. None of this would happen if I weren't in masturbation abstinence for so long."


At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when i was in high school i made a girlfriend a LUST FOR LIFE t shirt. the only problem was her chest was so endowed that when she wore it it simply said LUST stretched over her breasts.


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