Thursday, March 02, 2006

How Embarrassment

I was reading a magazine yesterday and it had an article about a new book. The book was a list of things people love, but would never admit it. I thought I would share my own top 3 with my reader (singular. Thanks for reading my blog Pauline!) . Plus, I really dig lists. Especially numbered lists, how anal am I?

1. I like the 'how embarrassment' column in Girlfriend magazine. In fact, I just love immature mags in general. Mainly, because I can afford the clothes. Also, because unlike Cleo and Cosmo, the relationships in Girlfriend somewhat resemble mine. They last for 2 weeks, both weeks are very fraught, and they never really seem to progress beyond "first base"*

2. If West Lakes was closer to town, I would consider living there. I love 80's houses , cul-de-sacs, and lakes that probably have tiles at the bottom. WL has real kitsch appeal, because it was once so shiny and pleasantville but really isn't any more since the yuppies went and live in some other perverted yuppie land. If I lived in west lakes, I would constantly play Eric Prydz, except when I wanted to listen to Tears for Fears.

3. I make Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 'in jokes' to my dog. When I can't find my diary, I put on a Sean Connery slur voice and say to Phoebe "We musht get the diary!" She totally knows what I mean.

*Except for tacky one night stands, of course.


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