Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Important scientific Discovery

Has anyone every noticed that the word "discovery" includes the words Very Disco backwards? This has nothing to do with anything. My important scientific discovery of the day is that there is a little known neural connection between my brain and my stomach. Like the kill switch on Pauline's Gemini, my brain won't operate unless I'm eating something. This is not helpful. Anyway, I have to stop updating now because I have to go get something to eat.


At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I have that neural connection as well. It also connects to drinking cups of tea and white wine (but not at the same time). I don't know, there's something about the act of consuming that just gets the brain kick started =) Stranger still is the fact that I managed to sleep through two sets of alarms this morning only to wake up when someone called me on my mobile at 9:30. Totally late.


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