Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Captain Woot

I just went to myspace (Yes! I'm a whore!) I was going through the bands section (as you do when you're a sad wannabe groupie) and there is a band called Captain Woot. I mean, how cool is that! what kind of a genius thinks of a name like that! Its like a woot captain beefheart!
So I'm thinking, band names.

Snatchtastic and Spy Lobsters are genius band names, obviously.
But to help those other people out there who might be great musicians but SUCK at thinking of band names (you know who you are)

So, I've invented

The really pretentious pseudo prog band name generator.

First you think of the colour of your tackiest ever garment, and make it a nuanced colour like tangerine, it can't just be orange. Then, your favourite animal, again make it exotic. If you're feeling creative, include the name of your first fluffy toy. Maybe then the name of a place. Last of all, you need a very, like 'explosion' , obviously depending what sort of band you are. You have to make sure you put "the" on the front, and make the last word plural.

so your boring band becomes

the tangerine snake cactus Willingham explosion.

and you have to INSIST that no one capitalises the 'the' or any of the other words.

If you want a short snappy post rock sort of name, just pick the two best words generated.


At 11:20 PM, Blogger fifi-belle said...

As discussed in the pub last night, our post rock band name is Sputnik Green, as in Bethnal Green not green the colour

At 11:56 PM, Blogger fifi-belle said...

Actually though there are heaps of post rock bands with sputnik in the name.


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