Sunday, July 09, 2006

moving sucks

I get to move into my new office tomorrow, yay! But. There is something about picking up all my posessions, putting them into dinky little boxes, then moving the dinky boxes somewhere else, that really annoys me.
Moving seems to conjure up bad moving spirits. The bad moving spirits get revenge by breeding with my stuff and increasing its volume by about a million times. There is something about moving stuff that always makes it take way longer than it reasonably should.
Of course, moving office is nothing like moving house. When I moved out of a one bedroom flat once, it took me about 12 hours, and 11 of those were packing up stupid things like drawers and potplants. Then I ended up paying the rent for another month anyway.
All of this making me want to renounce all posessions.
I want to live in a large, open space, preferably with very tall windows. I will own nothing except a futon and a toga, or some tribal type robes. And a wooden bowl.
I will wear the robe/toga garment during the day, and use it as a blanket at night. I will eat with my hands so I never have to use cutlery.
That'll show those bad moving spirits.


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